Monday, September 6, 2010

Types of Women Guys want to date!

Source : Google.

We had heard that only women are choosy when it comes to dating men, here you will discover that men are equally choosy when it comes to choosing the right girl. Here are the types of women men would give their right hand for.
Miss Sweet is a genuine person without a bitchy bone in her body. Men find themselves looking forward to spending time with her. Miss Sweets are pretty rare. But if men do find one, they've real treasure on their hands.
With Miss Straightforward, there are no games, no behaviour based on ridiculous, female-biased advice. Miss Straightforward will pick up the phone and ask you out. Although she may be blunt at times, at least you'll know where you stand.
This is a good woman to find if you don't have a lot of time to invest in a relationship or you're the type of guy who needs a lot of space. She's the type who wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life. And she certainly isn't looking for men to solve all her problems or blame when things don't go her way.
Miss Secure accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad ones. And she feels the same about you. She doesn't need constant attention to shore up a sagging ego and has tons of self esteem. What's more, she'll help boost your ego too.
She's the kind of woman you're totally in sync with, you like the same things, watch the same TV shows, enjoy going to the same places. A word of warning: You have to make your sexual interest known from day one because if she gets it into her head that you are going to be just friends,' it's almost impossible to change her mind.
The rarest of the rare, Miss Low Maintenance is the most atypical of modern women. She really doesn't care about how much money you have. She just likes you for yourself and not for what she can take from you. She's likely to be a true feminist, and will gladly pay her share of the dating expenses. If you can find her, hang on to her for dear life!

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